Think different, work different.
From 3,000 to 44,382 sq ft of sustainable Grade A office space

The future starts here
Change. There’s been a lot of it around recently. But sometimes, change is a good thing – it’s an opportunity to be different. Not just-for-the-sake-of-it different, but let’s-do-things-better different.

The greenest building in Slough – literally
We all need to do our bit for the environment. And to be fair, at The Future Works, we’re doing a very big bit. From green terraces to the rooftop gardens, and then some.
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People driven by technology
The Future Works is packed with people-driven technology. Our tailor-made smart building app promotes sustainability and wellness, connecting occupiers to the building’s systems and community.
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You’ve just found your happy place
The Future Works campus gives you a healthier environment to work in. Our philosophy: healthy buildings = happy people.
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